Yea man, Huimei, that comic says it all. :)
"I do not find it easy to get sufficiently far away from this Book, in the first sensations of having finished it, to refer to it with the composure which this formal heading would seem to require. My interest in it, is so recent and strong; and my mind is so divided between pleasure and regret - pleasure in the achievement of a long design, regret in the separation from many companions - that I am in danger of wearying the reader whom I love, with personal confidences, and private emotions.
Besides which, all that I could say of the Story, to any purpose, I have endeavoured to say in it.
It would concern the reader little, perhaps, to know, how sorrowfully the pen is laid down at the close of a two-years' imaginative task; or how an Author feels as if he were dismissing some portion of himself into the shadowy world, when a crowd of the creatures of his brain are going from him for ever. Yet, I have nothing else to tell; unless, indeed, I were to confess (which might be of less moment still) that no one can ever believe this Narrative, in the reading, more than I have believed it in the writing.
Instead of looking back, therefore, I will look forward. I cannot close this Volume more agreeably to myself, than with a hopeful glance towards the time when I shall again put forth my two green leaves once a month, and with a faithful remembrance of the genial sun and showers that have fallen on these leaves of David Copperfield, and made me happy."
--Charles Dickens.
Charles Dickens puts it out more aptly than we ever could. Maybe ours was a two-month project, instead of a two-year one. Maybe we used a keyboard instead of a pen. Still, you can't compromise the hours we've put into this blog; in researching, in collating results, in searching for pictures. We learn things we don't learn in textbooks, and that's something. But it's not over. We won't stop blogging. This blog will not cease to exist.
Hahah, and I'm sure we're looking forward to the time where we spread our green leaves out (hopefully more than) once a month and undergo light-dependent stages of photosynthesis, where the sunlight of the knowledge on the internet gets converted by the chlorophyll of our creative thinking into the stored potential chemical energy of a teen-friendly tech-savvy blog! :D
Photolysis of this information also happens when we take information from the internet and we dissect it into smaller more soluble molecules for the easy understanding of readers. :) And in the light-independent stage, the reducing of this information occurs, and the result is the
sugary sweet smell of success when we complete a blog post!
I'm trying to recreate those feelings I had on Sunday nights rushing out posts. Well, I'm dog-tired, I slept at 3:30am yesterday because Blogger just
had to fail on me!, woke at 8am to go to church and have been mugging ever since. It's 2:31am now. It feels like old times and it's a perfect time to start --
deficiency of hydrochloric acid!:D
According to the bio textbook, hydrochloric acid exists in the body as gastric juice with two other enzymes, pepsin and rennin. Hydrochloric acid is there for four reasons - Firstly, to stop the action of the salivary amylase by denaturing it, secondly to convert the inactive pepsinogen and prorennin into their active forms of pepsin and rennin respectively; third, to create a suitably acidic environment for the actions of these enzymes and lastly to kill any potentially harmful microorganisms in the food.
Anyway, there are a few obvious symptoms that manifest when you do have a lack of hydrochloric acid.
Actually, I'm not quite sure why this comes about. Seeing that intestinal juice is alkaline, and thus hydrochloric acid is only found in significant amounts in the stomach, we can safely say perhaps there is a bit of trouble digesting proteins in the stomach. However,
theoretically, the undigested proteins should enter the small intestine and get digested anyway by the trypsin, which was converted from the inactive trypsinogen by the enzyme enterokinase.
So please do not be too worried about a lack of hydrochloric acid when you see your sirloin steak from lunch at Hans floating in the toilet bowl. It could be a simple case of deficiency of trypsin, or a deficiency of enterokinase. heehee.
Er in English -- if you feel bloated, constipated and feel like burping and farting all the time.
My guess would be that because of the delayed break down of food, food tends to remain longer in the gut and thus, to an effect 'rots' away, and produces gas. Secondly, because the lack of hydrochloric acid means that less bacteria is killed, and these bacteria begin respiring, thus also producing gas. Which also means you become like this unlucky guy who
had fart in the airport and get his fart taped down in the annals of youtube history by a infra red camera in an airport.
I admit I was stumped by this one. I didn't know how it happened, until I did more basic research and ta-dah ALL HAIL WIKIPEDIA THE KING.:D Fingernails equals made out of keratin! Keratin is found in the gastrointestinal tract! (fine, the alimentary canal.) So I suppose the lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach would have some repercussions somewhere somehow in the rest of the gut.
Also, because keratins contain a high proportion of the smallest of the 20 amino acids; and since the proteins in the stomach weren't digested to form amino acids, thus perhaps the keratins were detained.
Who doesn't experience drowsiness after a meal? I don't think we should be very worried about this symptom, but in the context, I would imagine that the oxygen would all be taken the hard-working intestinal cells that need the oxygen, and when the brain doesn't receive enough oxygen, the body starts to respond by slowing down, and you feel drowsy!
Please note that all my theories are merely hypothetical, and are not a law of science until proven so. :)
Well, as a remedy to this puzzle, I would believe would be in the line, "DO IT YOURSELF." If your body cannot provide hydrochloric acid, why don't
you provide it? The textbook says that alcohol actually stimulates acid-secretion. So if you drink more alcohol, you're likely to have more acid in your stomach!
However, if you are a tee-totaller, fret not! Perhaps you just need a dose of acid itself. :D See, ethanoic acid, which is vinegar; is quite weak, and thus will not affect the body adversely. :)
Alright, the chem test beckons and I'm probably going to heed its call until 3:30am again, I'm going to die of fatigue man. Or deep vein thrombosis.
yea, dvt.
But deep vein thrombosis is for another blog post. Til then,
note the swift skilful change in language.:) i'm a linguist!