This does NOT mean that I suggest for all the wimpy guys out there to raid their schools Science labs and gulp down the store of potassium. It will NOT turn you into superman.
Neither will getiing bitten by a mutant spider turn you into Spiderman, but that is another story.
(ok, I know spiderman doesnt dance like this, but I found it freaking hilarious. How could I resist? :D )
Hypokalemia is a potentially FATAL condition where the body fails to retain sufficient, well..............potasssium. (duh) The meaning of the disease can be found in the word Hypokalemia itself. When dissected, hypo means low, not to be confused with the meaning of HYPER, which means high. Kal refers to kalium, which is latin for potassium, while emia means "in the blood" .
Cool eh?
Ok, now to the not-so-cool part. Signs of hypokalemia include Muscle weakness and pain ( the cheem word for muscle pain is myalgia) , disorientation, seizures and disturbed heart rythm. It can be caused by insufficient consumption of potassium,excessive loss of water (It flushes out potassium) through vomiting or diarrhea, consuming certain medications that accelerate the removal of potassium from the body, or by having certain forms of diabetes. A rarer reason could be that it is hereditary.
Since potassium is essential for muscle and nerve activity, we need a way to cure it right :D
The most important step is to stop the vomiting, diarrhea, or offending medication so the patient cannot lose anymore potassium. If it is only a mild case of hypokalmia, it may be treated by taking oral supplements and potassium rich food such as
and bananas.
(avoid those in pajamas, of course :D)
But in serious cases, the patient may have to be warded to recieve intravenous supplementation, which is where they stick a needle in your hand and connect it to a bottle of stuff, and in this case, the bottle will contain saline, which is used world-wide to treat hypokalemia. It requires precise doses and intensive monitering, so be prepared for a long hospital stay.
Just a side note, but your pets can get this as well, so make sure they get enough tomatoes, oranges and bananas too :D
Huimei out, after posting 3 times in a row :D
The people living in these places usually have corn as their staple. Untreated corn is a poor source of niacin, hence their increased susceptibility to pellagra.
So, how do we fix the problem? It was common practice in Native American cultures to treat the corn with alkali to correct the niacin deficiency. J Haha! It is definitely not expected of them to pour bottles of sodium hydroxide all over the corns before they are eaten. DUH! Haha! J On the other hand, I guess whole meal bread and cornflakes, rich in niacin, should be given to the jailed inmates and orphans. Especially, when these foods are available for them to consume. More of this should be given instead of merely corn. As for the Africans and Americans in the rural areas, maybe they could be educated in well, using every part of the chicken… Like the chicken livers, fried? Haha! J
We have all learnt a very important lesson today:
We should further appreciate our whole meal bread, and chicken livers, some examples of rich sources of niacin, unless we would not mind pour sodium hydroxide into our corn soup that is… J